Rico Recklezz vs Lil Mister "New Years Eve Fight"

Rico Recklezz and Lil Mister took there animosity against each other to a new level. Lil Mister has been open about how he feel about Recklezz for some time now, the two was filmed fighting in a Chicago corner store.
The fight wasn't extremely violent, the two threw some punches at each other, Recklezz got the upper hand by pulling Mister by his dreads and appeared to hit him across the back of his head a few times.
This is a moment where your happy to see the fight and not the after math of a shoot out. Here's the sequence of events leading up to the fight, including a reaction video from Lil Mister
Lil Mister dissing Rico Recklezz, he's not from 075
Rico Recklezz reacts to Lil Mister Instagram
Fight between Rico Recklezz and Lil Mister
Lil Mister Speaks abou his fight with Rico Recklezz calls it a cat fight
Fight In Slow motion