Pauly Trilla "Seek & Fine" (Chicago Gem)

Chicago artist Pauly Trilla is still going hard during these hard times dropping his new video "Seek & Fine," directed by DjKenn as we wait to see what happens this virus season.
Pauly Trilla is feeling the energy in "Seek & Fine," he laughs at those who show fake love, while still being Trilla to himself. Pauly has been putting a lot of music out over the past years including projects albums tilted "The Trilla Files," "The Art Of The Quarantine" about our uncertain times.
Pauly isn't your regular rapper when it comes to a completing project make sure to listen to his albums, you will be amazed at how fresh and new his sound is to the ear, with talent to become the hip hop artist of Chicago.
When it comes to being a artist Trilla fits the description only time will tell when he will be caught, watch his latest video "Seek & Fine" below by pressing play.
Pauly Trilla "THe Trilla Files" Album
"The Art Of The Quarantine"