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Nintendo Threatens Soulja Boy After The Release Of His New Game System

Soulja Boy has come under a lot of fire in the pass, he's on fire after releasing his brand new video game system titled " "

Soulja Boy has bragged online that he has already sold a million dollars worth since the launch of "SouljaGame," a hand held game that comes with 800 games.

The game gives you a option to build up to 3,0000 games, connecting Soulja Watch, the system comes with a lot more features that isn't offered with big brand names like Xbox, and Playstation.

After such a great kick off Soulja Boy was hit with some bad news by mail, Nintendo sent the rapper a letter saying that if he sales his game console that he will be sued for Treadmark violations.

Check out a review of Soulja Boy's new game console by JonTron below

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