Kanye West Just Apologized For His Slavery Comments

Kanye West visted his home town Chicago, Il where he did a radio interview and apologizes for his slavery comments.
The statement that he made "slavery was a choice," didn't sit to well with the black community, Mr. West receive a big backlash for those opinions.
Hers what Kanye said during his interview with Chicago radio station WGCI, with Kendra G.
"I don't know if I properly apologized for how that slave comment made people feel," West told Chicago's WGCI-FM in a interview on Wednesday. "So I want to take this moment right now to say ... I'm sorry for people who felt let down by that moment."
"When you hear about slavery for 400 years ... For 400 years? That sounds like a choice," West said at the time. "You were there for 400 years and it's all of y'all. It's like we're mentally imprisoned."
See Kanye West apologizes by clicking the link>>>>> Kanye West