Waka Flocka Says His New Streaming Service Will Pay Every Artist

Waka Flocka isn't holding any thing back going into 2018, he announced that he will be launching his own streaming service were every artist gets paid when their music is uploaded on his service.
Before breaking the news he had some unkind words for the streaming service Datpiff,com, the rapper claims the website has been ripping artist out of millions of dollars for years.
Waka Flocka says the relationship turned sour once he took all his mixtapes off the streaming service, Datpiff KP responded to Waka saying "signing away all your mixtapes just for a quick bag?"
There's no details about the streaming service right now, artist all over the world might have a easier way to get paid from there craft with Waka's new service. We'll keep you posted on Waka Flocka's streaming service as details are released.