Former Porn Star Pregnant By Drake, He Say's No, She slept With Another Rappers During Same Days

Drake was still getting his groove on after his break up Jennifer Lopez and might have gotten a ex-porn star pregnant. Sophie Brussaux says she has proof that Drake is her baby daddy, however Drake is saying its not true. below is the thread of the text messages between Sophie Brussaux and Drake
Drake, which purport to say the following:
Drake: I want you to have an abortion.
Brussaux: I can't kill my baby simply to indulge you sorry.
Drake: Indulge me? Fuck you.
Brussaux: What?
Drake: You do know what you're doing you think you're going to get money.

According to TMZ this is what Drake's publicist
"This woman has a very questionable background. She has admitted to having multiple relationships. We understand she may have problems getting into the United States. She's one of many women claiming he got them pregnant."
"If it is in fact Drake's child, which he does not believe, he would do the right thing by the child."
Drake peoples said that they haven't seen a official text of the two conversation but says Brussaux slept with another rapper around the time she had sex with Drake.