Killa Kellz Arrested in Missouri for Meth Trafficking and Resisting Arrest for 2 Days

The 26 year-old rapper Killa Kellz, real name Kevin M. Phyfiher, was reportedly stopped for speeding while driving a silver Dodge Grand Caravan bearing a Virginia registration (later identified as a rental vehicle) at around 4:30pm on Monday 8 May. He was initially issued a warning for speeding, but the Highway Patrol trooper making the stop became ‘suspicious of criminal activity’. After identifying the 3 other vehicle occupants (all Chicagoans), a stolen 9mm Smith & Wesson pistol was seized from a passenger, and an unspecified amount of marijuana was found in the rear cargo area of the vehicle. Two pounds of methamphetamine were also found ‘under the second row passenger’s seat on the driver’s side’. Kellz attempted to flee the scene on foot while the vehicle was being searched, which led to a manhunt and a perimeter being set up, yet he evaded capture on that day. The following day (May 9) a 2003 Chevy Impala was reported stolen from a convenience store and attributed to Kellz, who evaded a stop from a single traffic unit but later slowed and surrendered himself at a road block on U.S. Highway 36. Killa Kellz is to be charged with felony 1st-degree trafficking drugs, felony delivery of a controlled substance, felony possession of a controlled substance and felony resisting arrest. He is currently being held without bond at the Daviess-DeKalb Regional Jail and will likely be transferred to Andrew County Jail after he is charged. All 3 other passengers were charged with various offences and are also being held without bond in Andrew County.